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Final 2024 Screening, on Saturday 14th December 2024

Last Screening of 2024, on the evening of Saturday, December 14th 2024

December has arrived and JAFWA‘s last screening of 2024, before we take some Summer Holidays and return in 2025 for an all new program. On the 14th, we will finish off the last two regular series in the JAFWA program (“Frieren” and “Chainsaw Man”), as well as have some other interesting items. The movie is probably going to be “Blue Thermal”, though we have “Mirai” in reserve.

Once this week is over (even for the people who signed up for the JAFWA Dinner) there will be no more JAFWA events until our return in early January 2025. With a whole new program! Yay!!!

So after this week enjoy the Festivities, Celebrate sensibly and have a Merry Christmas (or other Solstice Observation) and a Happy New Year!


Assemble Insert
Blue Thermal
Voices of a Distant Star
Chainsaw Man

If you don’t want to sponsor an entire night like Lindsay or Elliot, there is the other scheme for our signed up members, that Sally took advantage of on November 30. On the night nearest your birthday, you can nominate something to play during the Dinner Break (limited to 30 minutes max). You may have to help us source this material, so plan in advance please.

Below is the draft program for the evening of Saturday December 14th, 2024.

All items in the original Japanese language with English subtitles. With assistance from a grant from and

5:15pmFrieren: Beyond Journey’s EndEp 27/28
5:40pmFrieren: Beyond Journey’s EndEp 28/28(final)
6:05pmAssemble InsertEp 2/2
6:30pmdinner break, with possibly interesting stuff
7:15pmdoor prize drawing, and announcements
7:30pmBlue Thermalmovie
9:10pmLate Break
9:15pmretro itemOAV(TBA)
9:40pmChainsaw ManEp 11/12(V)
10:05pmChainsaw ManEp 12/12(V) (final)

Doors Open before Screening:~5:00 PM

Program Finishes:~10:45 PM

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Dates of Interest

Barring a resurgence of COVID-19 pestilence, these fannish events of interest are scheduled to happen:

  • from Thursday December 5th 2024, — various cinemas screening the anime movie Ghost Cat Anzu.
  • Saturday December 14th 2024, normal Summer hours — JAFWA’s End of Year (2024) screening. Irregular program, suggestions of what anime to show are welcome.
  • December 21st 2024 to January 4th 2025 — JAFWA takes a break over Summer to recharge and enjoy the Holiday Season and Festivities.
  • Saturday January 11th 2025, normal Summer hours — JAFWA’s glorious return and we overlord it with an all new regular program!


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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End (Sousou no Furiiren)


For ten years, elf mage Frieren traveled with Himmel the hero, Heiter the priest, and Eisen the dwarf warrior as they quested to destroy the demon king. At the end of their journey, Frieren set out on her own, not quite understanding how differently time flows for her versus her human companions. Reunited after fifty years only to see them wither and die, Frieren begins to ponder the nature of connections at a time when it’s already too late to say goodbye.

This Evening’s Episodes:An Era of Humans” and “It Would Be Embarrassing When We Met Again” finale

Fern is upset with Frieren, feeling that Frieren doesn’t comprehend her emotions. Fern confides in Stark that Frieren requested her to replace her staff (a gift from Heiter), which had broken during the second exam. With the third exam approaching Serie says that she will personally proctor the final exam since Frieren’s involvement caused more examinees to pass than intended. Serie decides she will conduct one on one interviews to determine who deserves the license. Frieren tells Fern that Serie will judge each candidate based on her own intuition and that her intuition is always correct.
The Examinees take their leave, some elated about passing while others despondent over the three year wait to take the exam again.

Assemble Insert

A criminal group known as Demon Seed terrorises Tokyo with its vast armies of mecha. The local police is afraid to confront them, but one person stands in their way: Maron Namikaze, a 13-year-old idol singer with a catchy voice and unbelievable superhuman strength.

This Evening’s Episode: “Episode 2”

What do you do when a villainous group with mecha terrorise your city? Hold a talent show to discover your next hero! A lighthearted look as a young girl gifted with superhuman strength is “recruited” to fight the bad guys when all she wants to be is a pop idol. But once you have hired the pop idol, what next?

Blue Thermal (“???????”)

Tamaki Tsuru, a freshman at Aonagi University, was overzealous about volleyball when she was in high school. Following a romantic rejection due to being an athletic girl, she joined the tennis club in college to be less athletic. One day, she accidentally hits Daisuke with a tennis ball as he was transporting a glider, causing damage to it. Tamaki was charged with a repair cost of two million yen, but as she couldn’t pay the amount, she joins the sports association aviation club as a helper.

Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi no Koe)

A female mecha pilot tries to keep in touch with her boyfriend on earth while she is in space using cell phone text messages. The farther away they get from each other, the harder it is for the text messages to get to each other.

Chainsaw Man (Chensaa Man)

In a world where Devils (Akuma) are born from human fears. Devils are usually dangerous and malevolent, their power is proportional to the fear they incite. However, humans can form contracts with them to use their power, and there are individuals specialising in hunting and employing them, called Devil Hunters. A Devil may, in certain conditions, inhabit the body of a dead human, gaining some of their memories and personality; such a creature is called a Fiend.

Tonight’s Episode:Bruised & Battered” and “Katana vs. Chainsaw” finale

The Future Devil gives Aki his power without asking anything in return because he foresaw a magnificent death in his future. Kishibe’s training proves fruitful, as he ends up with a single scratch. He tells Denji and Power that the entire Special Division 4 and other Public Safety Divisions are planning a massive raid on the yakuza branch affiliated with the Gun Devil. While Power, the Shark Fiend, the Violence Fiend, the Spider Devil, and the Angel Devil stay below to clear the zombie horde, Aki and Denji head up to deal with Akane and Samurai Sword. Aki encounters Akane first, who uses her Snake Devil to regurgitate the Ghost Devil and turn it against Aki. Denji fights Samurai Sword on a train, in public.

Posted in Screenings.

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