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Saturday 22nd October, 2011

The tentative JAFWA program for Saturday 22nd October 2011 is below. To be held in the Collins Street Community Center on Collins Street just off Canning Highway in South Perth.

Things of Note:
1) We apologise for not showing “Level E” last week. Turns out that the copy of the preview item we showed “Kamisama no Memo-chou”, was unexpectedly a double episode. “Level E” will return this week.
2) Last week’s Bean Poll, whether to continue showing “Blood-C” was unexpectedly very close – by only 2 more people voted for keeping it in the program compared to removing it from the program. And yet it seems so popular.
3) DVD Heaven on corner of Gt Eastern Highway and Kooyong Road is closing down and selling their stock of DVDs cheaply. Including US released anime DVDs.

Dale’s Suggestive Remarks, based on suggestion sheets handed in at JAFWA:
Long time member Greg McLeod did write on the 24-09-2011 on the topic of Suggestions:

I want to see Dog Days because it has cat girls, dog girls, rabbit girls, fox girls, wolf girls…

I think I see a pattern here – you like furry animals. Though you are restricting yourself to only the female gender of furry mammals.
But seriously, that was only a single Suggestion. Why did you try to confound me by referring to it as Suggestions, in the plural?

However fear not, JAFWA is definitely considering showing a preview sample of “Dog Days”. Considering the topic of this anime, we are planning on previewing this episode during the evening of October 29. Not only does this tie-in with our monthly event afternoons, it might help take people’s minds off of CHOGM. That, and that it is also the final night for “Gosick”.

Dragon HalfAnimation Runner Kuromi-chan

All items in the original Japanese language with English subtitles

5:10pm Dragon Half Part 1/2? (retro)
5:35pm Gosick Ep 23/24
6:00pm Fairy Tail Ep 46/?
6:25pm Chi’s New Address Ep 083/104 =^_^=
6:30pm dinner break
Possibly showing something during Dinner Break
7:15pm door prize drawing, and announcements
7:30pm Chi’s New Address Ep 084/104 =^_^=
7:35pm Hanasaku Iroha Ep 1 (preview)
8:00pm Animation Runner Kuromi OAV 1 (retro)
8:40pm Blood-C Ep 6/? (v)
Late Break
9:15pm Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin Ep 12/13
9:40pm Level E Ep 10/13
10:05pm Welcome to NHK Ep 16/24 (?)
JAFWA Doors Open: ~4:55 PM
Program Finishes: ~10:45 PM

Posted in Screenings.

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